What an exciting business festival! NOVAZOON represented at hub.Berlin 2023

Our colleagues Marcel Dietz and Marius Zimmermann took part in hub.berlin – The business festival for tech and digitalization and were able to take away some great ideas. The event featured a wealth of exciting keynotes, start-up pitches and deep-dive masterclasses. Two topics in particular have dominated:
- The Industrial Metaverse describes the holistic linking of the digital world with the real world in an industrial context. The following key technologies will be linked: Digital Twins, Internet of Things, Edge & Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented & Virtual Reality, High Speed Network Infrastructure and Blockchain. The areas of application range from virtual employee training to the simulation and optimization of complex production processes, which can result in significant time and resource savings.
- Artificial intelligence has long since reached our everyday lives and, at the latest with the spread of ChatGPT & Co, the topic has also arrived in all areas of our working world. At hub.Berlin, exciting use cases were discussed and innovative AI start-ups were presented. Many conversations have confirmed that the successful use of AI requires both strategic control at the management level and operational enablement at the employee level.
Many thanks to the organizers, speakers and our great panelists!
Feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss the Industrial Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, or other tech and innovation topics.
#hubBerlin #BusinessFestival #IndustrialMetaverse #GenerativeAI #DigitalTransformation #Innovation