Unlocking the Power of Digital Transformation – Success through Transformation!

The digital transformation of established companies is one of the most important challenges for global business leaders and a key success factor for future business models and talent recruitment.
In an increasingly competitive market environment driven by networked IT systems, platforms as well as cloud-based solutions, it seems inevitable for companies to evolve their traditional business model towards digitally integrated and innovative value creation.
At NOVAZOON, we used a unique method to leverage the “power of data” for successful business transformation.
How to do it? Companies have been collecting and storing data for decades, creating a wealth of potential insights. However, companies often leave this potential “data treasure” unused.
By mapping and analyzing existing data models and architectures, NOVAZOON’s data-driven innovation framework creates practical solutions for intelligent processes, new services or digital products – fact-based, validated and with an AI-assisted solution design.
“We are not just a typical consulting firm, but an entrepreneurial full-service partner offering a broad spectrum of business innovation and business model transformation” – Bastian Deck, CEO of NOVAZOON.
Read the full article here: News on digital security| Sales infrastructure | CIOApplications Europe
Your company also has an underutilized data treasure trove? Are you interested in a successful business transformation? Then make an appointment with our experts now