Tomorrow’s Business:
The “second and third horizon of business models” -.
Prepare smart for the digital future today

Dear NOVAZOON Community,
the business world is evolving at a rapid pace and companies must be ready to meet the challenges of the digital future. At NOVAZOON, we specialize in the digitization of business models and help our customers and partners prepare smartly for the digital future today.
A proven concept for planning and illustrating the digitization strategy in different timeframes is the 3-horizon model. All three horizons play a critical role and must be considered by companies to ensure long-term success in the changing business world.
As part of our NOVAZOON Innovation Day 2023, the focus of our work session was on the second and third horizon of business models. Here we focused on the business potential that can be tapped in the future in addition to the core business.
Together with our participants, we discussed which factors are necessary for companies to develop new innovative business models. As NOVAZOON we have already identified 16 different factors and building blocks that contribute significantly to the success of established companies and startups and in combination lead to the goal.
In our interactive session, participants were divided into two “competing” groups. These had the task of identifying those factors which, in their opinion, offer the highest probability of success for the development of new business potential. Lively discussions based on experiences in the companies were held to try to convince the opposing team of their own selection, which led to exciting and entertaining collective exchanges.
Once again, it has been shown that companies from a wide range of industries can build on a variety of their own and already existing strengths and foundations. Nevertheless, important building blocks for successfully implementing innovative business models are often missing. Here, new partnerships offer an effective and fast way to tap innovative earnings potential.
At NOVAZOON, we stand by as a competent partner to successfully transform business models and make the most of the opportunities of the digital future. What are your experiences in transforming business models? Let us know your challenges or feel free to leave a comment here. We also like to pick up ideas, approaches and solutions for our community here!