🚀 Novazoon participates in Phoenix Contact’s START-UP DAY! 🚀

On September 28, PhoenixContactInnovation Ventures invites #startups and #corporates, investors and technology innovators to the 3rd Start-up Day. In two exciting pitch sessions, various high-tech start-ups from the fields of #energy, #emobility, #industry, #CyberSecurity and #robotics can prove themselves.
With Bastian Deck NOVAZOON is part of the jury this year and decides together with 3 other innovation leaders and the audience which pitch will be the winner.
Here are a few of the highlights from a day full of concentrated pitch and networking power:
- Food for Thought #1: #NieohnemeinTeam – why and how teams become successful @ArminiaBielefeld
- Food for Though #2: #ImpactInvestment – obligation or freestyle?@AENU @FuturyCapital @AENU @PhoenixContact
- Food for Thought #3: 100 years of Phoenix Contact, 100 years of passion for technology & innovation: Insights from the C-Level of the Phoenix Contact Group with @Frank Stührenberg, CEO.
- Start-up Fair and Showroom: Time to Discover and Network
We are happy to be there!
#Startup #NOVAZOON #StartupDayPhoenixContact #AllElectricSociety