Development of a method for the digitization of 3D objects:
A scientific study in the context of a cooperation between NOVAZOON and the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe

As part of the “Industrial Concept Development” course at the Faculty of Mechatronics at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, students Jonas Range and Leon Mönch produced a scientific paper on the digitization of 3D objects.
This work was tendered to the students of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences in the context of a product vision of NOVAZOON, a platform for the presentation of digital showrooms.
The present work has focused on the development of a method to create a digital copy of real objects, such as paintings, statues or exhibits. In addition to the basis of the product vision, which consisted of a detailed list of requirements and a utility analysis by the students, other areas were also worked on:
- the determination of added values (USPs) and the development of a solution concept
- Determination and selection of solution components
- Market research of existing solution concepts
- Evaluation & analysis of found solutions
- Solution comparison & contrast
- Recommendation of a solution/ a solution concept
This scientific work was successfully completed thanks to the valuable support of Jonas Range and Leon Mönch. We would like to take this opportunity to expressly thank them for their results.
We would also like to thank Prof. Martin Simon and Mr. Ewert from the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, who accompanied us during the work.
We would also like to thank Tobias Blattner, Marcel Dietz and Florian Balb, who were available as contact persons on behalf of NOVAZOON.
The results obtained and the high quality elaboration of the work are the result of the commitment of all those involved. We thank all participants for their achievements and commitment.