NOVAZOON on delegation trip with the state government of Baden-Wuerttemberg
NOVAZOON on delegation trip with the state government of Baden-Wuerttemberg

NOVAZOON was represented by Bastian at the delegation trip to the USA together with Baden-Württemberg international.
The trip focused on a myriad of innovation topics, particularly artificial intelligence and its role in transforming healthcare, industry and business.
We were able to take away interesting conversations and an inspiring exchange as well as insights with, among others, the world’s leading institute Carnegie Mellon University, Google, Volocopter GmH, Cyber Valley , Minister President Kretschmann, Minister of Economics Hofmeister-Kraut, Minister of Science Olschowki and many more.
Main findings of the trip:
1) Across all sectors of industry, business and healthcare, the use of AI and the resulting services that it can take to the next level is a key component. In Baden-Württemberg, we address knowledge by bundling competencies in Cybervalley under the leadership of Rebecca C. Reisch.
2) When it comes to scaling and implementing digital business models in the health tech sector in particular, even the US professionals still have to overcome a variety of challenges, e.g. in data acquisition and use as well as the sustainable commercialization of the solutions.
3) Google is pushing its involvement in healthcare extremely hard, offering a variety of services up to and including multicloud and opensource integration.
Going forward, the California-based team sees its focus on transforming away from “sick care” to “real #digital #healthcare” and the entire patient journey.
4) The ” Volocopter GmbH” gave inspiring insights, among others also into the cooperation with Microsoft. Ingenious “hardware/services” are combined with software and expanded into a platform.
A really great event with excellent opportunities for further collaboration, linking of topics and knowledge, and follow-up’s.
We were very pleased to be part of this delegation trip.
Many thanks to Dr. Christian Herzog Manuel Mielke Cornelia Frank Nina Lehferand the whole team.for the excellent organization.