Cooperation NOVAZOON and Leipzig University

NOVAZOON in an interview with the IHK Karlsruhe
How companies can benefit from digital change – NOVAZOON in an interview with the IHK Karlsruhe

Established companies are realizing more and more clearly how important the shift towards digital value creation is. However, only around 33% of the companies actually see themselves well positioned for digital change.
A major obstacle is that there is still too little experience with innovative, digital business models. This often results in uncertainty about the realization of transformation projects and the discussion of digital business models.
However, this situation can be solved with methods that have been tried and tested in practice.
It is important to understand the different levels of transformation: The internal transformation aims to make the company fit for the future and, for example, to transform internal processes into scalable process systems using modern IT applications.
the evolutionary and revolutionary transformation focused on creating new offers and innovative business models for established and new markets. On the one hand, an existing product portfolio is supplemented with new digital offers such as apps, smart services or platforms. On the other hand, innovation methods such as “Business Model Innovation” lead to approaches with which a company can open up new markets with complementary offers.
“We offer innovative strength and access to a broad network and with our experience, creativity and implementation strength we are the ideal partner for sustainable success.”
Bastian Deck, Managing Director NOVAZOON.